Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mountain Biking Day 2

It's still quite beautiful in Italy, mind you have to wear a coat. Today we cleaned a bit in the morning and ate some of the bread I made last night for breakfast. It was good and much easier than at the Quinta in Portugal, here they have a bread making machine, lovely!!!! Ahhh the joys of technology. 

We went mountain biking for a few hours.. my legs are tired! There are tons of mountain biking and hiking trails through the area, and at the moment, lots of hunters. We rode up a big mountain and finally to a local village for a chocolate break. 

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Today I made it to Citta Della Pieve!

Holy Cow. I am EXHAUSTED! Citta Della Pieve was a steep climb, according to me, but not according to Matthias who has climbed the Pyrenees in France on his bike trek from Belgium to Portugal (so clearly that's unbelievable and his opinion doesn't count!) We went by bike and by bike I mean, bicycle, and by bicycle I mean, I used a 11 year old boys bicycle, and thus it feels great to stretch my legs. We rode from about noon to 4 and I just had the best shower of my life.

    My passport arrived yesterday, by the way, so as soon as my debit card arrives, I'm as good as gone. I'm excited to shop for some winter clothes before I come home. Talk soon!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Our search for Citta Della Pieve

We never did find Citta Della Pieve, but the search was fun. We had prepared ourselves to walk 20 k's (about 13 miles) to see a pretty village near the farm, but vicious dogs, unmarked paths, spiders, and old ladies stopped us from reaching our long sought after destination. Just kidding, about most of that... the dogs were constant and at many points we searched for sticks to defend ourselves but they weren't necessary. There isn't much day light anymore, we started too late, so we had our picnic in some random field on a log, got lost and ended our search for Citta Della Pieve and instead looked for "home." It was dark by the time we found the farm and we had to be on the defense when cars were driving by, they never saw us... but we made it. Here is a video from the walk. There was a dog that I really think was going to bite us  but when I began yelling, "CIAO, CIAO" an old lady came, we couldn't understand what she was saying, but she kept walking with us... here's the clip...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Paciano, Italy and a long explanation as to why I burnt the hamburgers!

I feel more like a guest in the home of Gracia and John than a wwoofer. I remember meeting another wwoofer in Portugal who said that the quality of food you receive as a wwoofer is evidence of how much you are appreciated and respected, because food is your payment. I can say now James, that I agree. I don't mean quality as in expensive, but quality time put into preparation and cooking and making sure that everyone is happy... Cat, my old softball teammate who is Italian, told me that food is happiness and love... and in the Italian culture it is. Grazia would literally give you the shirt from her back. Working has been pleasant... except for my mishaps in the kitchen yesterday, which include, cat eaten desserts, my seriously overcooking HAMBURGERS (how hard are hamburgers, christ!) for lunch, heating up pesto (apparently thats a no no), spilling cake batter in the oven, on the floor, everywhere, almost baking a metal spoon in the cake, and most notably using a 50 euro block of cheese for some meat rolls, which was not only expensive but due to be sent out to John's brother in Norway... So, you see, I'm causing some destruction, but hopefully more laughs than "what the fucks".
My head has been elsewhere. I've been thinking about my acceptance to the doctorate programs in the states and if I want to go, the updated essays I have to write and send by early January... I've been thinking about this trip and how I thought I'd come back a new person nearly who knows what she wants to be when she grows up and have the motivation to do it and I've been thinking about how I want to stay here, traveling Europe, feeling the freedom that is a long train, a dark bus, a walk through a city on a nice day, but I've been thinking about my family. My beautiful little brother whom I want to get home to to see his big smile and the signs that mean "more song.." I've been thinking about my mom and papa, where my biggest decision involves helping papa chop wood or going for a walk with mom, either way their both happy... I miss mom's loud footsteps in the morning and the way she slams every door cupboard, microwave, etc. just because it's her way... I even miss Papa's bad jokes...I miss my big sister's dirty mouth and how she'll do anything for you if you need her too (just make sure to say thank you) and also how she knows me better than anyone else... she is the only one who grew up along side me in some of the most difficult situations (we'll call them the darkside of Belfast)... I miss my little sister incredibly, we've made some of the best memories of my life, most notably, hiking in the summer, running trails, sprained ankles and having picnics on mountain tops... I miss Erin and Nick (my bestest friends) whom I can tell anything too and somehow they still think I'm sane... I miss my old apartment on Spring street and its current tenant Christian.

All these things make my head a bit foggy... I've loved Europe and traveling, the many friends I've met, the constant learning, the being on your toes, the good times, the bad, seeing society from lots of different angles and from many perspectives... the independence it brings. But the saying holds true, "where ever you go, there you are." I'm still the same Melissa, although, I like to be called "Mel" and the word "lovely" is now apart of my everyday vocabulary. Traveling has shown me a lot, I haven't seen all there is to see or learned all there is to learn but I've seen a slice of the world through a slice of pizza in Rome or a pig foot stew in Portugal... I've seen a slice of the life of a traveler and gained more insight in many realms, the inside and the out ... that both made me optimistic and not for the future and its decisions. Its made me realize that if something doesn't fit in your life, be it clothing, friends, or a job, there's more out there waiting to be found... ditch it, move on... explore.

I've been thinking about preparing for home... the main question on everyone's mind... "Melissa, was it worth it?" Was it worth leaving your great job at the hospital, your stability, selling your car, your clothes, your furniture, your everything, was it worth coming home with $500 from the $6,000 you sold and saved... was it worth it for Europe? My answer is unclear, I want to shout a resounding YES! Of COURSE, because of course I want this trip to have been the answer! But somehow it didn't live up to my expectations... perhaps if I had had more time to think and write rather than work and work, maybe it would have... but I don't think so. I think my expectations were too high... I'm not a new, more clear, more decisive person full of happiness and clarity. I'm Melissa, but a Melissa who knows there's a bigger world out there and who's seen a slice of it. The exploration has to continue, but a flight won't take me there. [ Two weeks later after writing this- I want to make an addition after a bit more clarity.] So, here goes, this trip was worth it and I'll tell you why. I learned that friends are important and so is doing what you love. I learned that if I like to mismatch, it's ok and if I feel lonely sometimes, that's ok too, because in the end, life is about putting yourself out there and those that love you for who you are, are people who you should surround yourself with. I will no longer use anyone else as a scratching post for my insecurities- because since traveling alone I've developed a bigger and stronger inside voice... she's kinda smart, and she has answers. Anyway, I know that's unclear but I have to keep the details for my book. :)

I walked to a village called Panicale the other day and caught a beautiful sunset. Click on the pics to make them larger.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I love John and Grazia!

Matthias and I have made it safety to our work location. John picked us up from the train station with a friendly American face on (he's from Kansas) and I instantly felt at home. Grazia, John's amazing Italian wife is always feeding us and telling us great walks to take... she's so welcoming and friendly. The work day is relaxed... they told us to get up when we want to and they expect us to help out, not work like slaves... yess!!!!!! This is great. This is what wwoofing should be like. Mattias and I aren't used to it though, yesterday we worked from around 9 to almost 5 and couldn't believe our eyes when we saw the time. We took a walk to the closest village and had a beer and then went grocery shopping with John and Grazia. Mattias helped Grazia with dinner and I spoke to John about the states and my naivety about how the world works. He said I definitely had a country upbringing and its true. Some of the lessons I've learned in Europe hit me like a brick wall.... it's like I'm learning for the first time that life isn't fair... to the point of being incredibly cruel... where was I?

Anyhow, the kids, Eddie and Luca are great. They speak Italian and English and are always smiling. I am going to enjoy my time here immensely. The landscape is absolutely beautiful with rolling hills, villages and mountains in the distance. Also we are amongst an olive tree farm that produces olive oil. I haven't checked out the buildings yet but I want to take a tour soon... we can smell the olive oil and hear the tractors, it's just great!! I have come to love olive oil even more while in Europe and I'll probably never go a day without a glass of red wine. John has been giving us wine at dinner and it's been so good. I've already learned a few dishes from Grazia- she's a great cook.. Anyway, I need to start the day... just wanted to let you all know I am happy, safe and way overfed so no worries about me... for the next 3 weeks I'll be here and warm. I hope you are all well (or at least on the up and up... my family has the flu :( sorry guys). Cheers!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Florence, Italy

Just arrived to Florence...  just found a job since the olive guy cancelled... here's the link to the people we'll be working for... it's not olive picking but it will do!

SO, Florence is beautiful... I like it a lot. Most things you have to pay for to visit, like museums, domes and such but the architecture is great and Florence has nice vibes...

Florence really can be discovered in a couple days so we took a day trip to Pisa and saw the Leaning Tower of Pisa... Pisa was alright.. not much there other than the tower though..

Friday, November 13, 2009

Perugia Italy continued

So waiting in Perugia has been a bit difficult at times... it's cold here, we're really conserving money... yesterday we smeared a hard boiled egg between bread (ha!)... I learned that when you're hungry things taste much better! We've been trying to save money and yesterday my purse was stolen, ouch. It makes me feel personally hurt- the girl was real nice to me the night before... I went to brush my teeth in the morning and then leave for the day and noticed that my wallet was gone and so was she. Things are looking up... my olive picking job fell through but today I skyped with a nice guy from Kansas who needs workers... so after I get my passport on Monday we will travel back to the mountains to work for him for a few weeks. I will miss Thanksgiving at home so much, by the way!!! I'm not going to worry about the money that I'm loosing in this situation... it makes me too sad/mad and I can't afford (haha) to feel those things now... I have to go to western union tomorrow (thank goodness I still have my international drivers license for I.D.) and then get my credit cards sent to my new job and finally go to the embassy on Monday... I will likely get a fine since I've overstayed my welcome but I guess that's fair. 

Today it was AWESOME  talking to my momma, Michelle and Christian by phone... nice to hear your voices!!! MISS YOU GUYS SO MUCH!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


A bit south or Rome now.. in the mountains... and its cold!!!! Should start olive picking job soon!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Buon Giorno!! Rome Nov 7th and 8th

I have a new appreciation for the expression, "Rome wasn't built in a day," because even when you get lost in Rome you find historic sites, monuments and rubble dated 2,500 years ago. This city really is amazing. On the 6th Matthias and I pushed our limits and walked clear across Rome to the Vatican city. We saw sites all along the way and back, 20 to be exact. Vatican City [ruled by the pope of course] was gigantic, 110 acres to be exact and with a population of just over 800, it is the smallest country in the world by both population and area. It was an impressive site but such an exagerated and gaudy show of catholocism. It wasn't my favorite place.. that would be the Pantheon. It's a temple that was built to honor all of the gods of ancient Rome. The building is circular with a portico of three ranks of huge granite Corinthian columns. The columns are under a concrete dome, with a central opening open to the sky. On the night we saw it there was a brass band playing outside which added to the atmosphere and awe of the structure. We also accidently found an Leonardo Divinci exhibit which although we couldn't afford to visit it, the mechanics and drawings in the bookstore were fasincating. We crossed the Tiber River and it was the first time that I've felt fall. It's definately getting chilly and the leaves have even changed color here in Rome. Matthias and I have been very careful with our money and although our lonely planet guide says to budget 60/100 euros a day for Rome, today we spent 13.90 including food and our hostel.
November 8th: Yesterday we spent much of the day walking but in the vacinity of the Pantheon where old Rome is located. We saw the Colosseo, Domus Aurea, the Arc of Constantine and the Circo Massimo to name a few. We also saw tons of fantastic fountains in the rain which were beautiful, my favorite being the Trevi fountain. It's 85 feet tall and 68 feet wide. A traditional legend holds that if visitors throw a coin into the fountain, they are ensured a return to Rome. 3,000 euros are thrown in a day! Wow.. Today we spent a total of 18.20 with food and hostel... so it is possible to visit Rome on a cheap budget... granted we didn't go into any historical sites but you can see so much from the outside! Today [Nov 9th] I've come down with a bit of a cold and feel a bit run down so this concludes my Rome excursion as we're leaving tomorrow for new pastures. Today we'll walk around a bit but I'll give my impressions of Rome now... it's beautiful and impressive, of course it's Rome but I'm frustrated. Everyone looks like they've spent hours getting dressed and primping in the mirror. Probably I'm sick of my worn and torn clothes and jealous of their money and perfectness but it seems so cold. My eyes welled up today upon passing a 5 year old boy begging for money. As he held out his cup I noticed his eyes most. He looked like he was staring into brighter days- his eyes were glossy as if he were watching his own private daydream on big screen. Rich people with their serious faces stomped by as if they were on a runway, never looking down, never stopping, never thinking. I can't say the boy noticed them either as he didn't even blink. Their shiny cat woman boots and his shiny eyes were likely the only thing that united them. I related more to the boy but couldn't help but be envious of these beautiful Italian people. I just wish it didn't matter. I wish the world, I wish I, was always more concerned with making others happy than worrying about well, mundane niceties, shiny cars, things that people won't remember you for... how does that song go? "It's all about the Benjamin's?" I buy it... but that sucks big time. Yah, I know,

It's not just Rome... it's any big city anywhere... it's our's the way the world works... that gets me down.

Friday, November 6, 2009


I just finished traveling 20 hours on a ferry, 1 hour on a train and 20 minutes walking to get here at this cheap hostel in Rome, Italy! The border patrol didn't look for a visa, just my passport expiration so I made it in. The ferry ride was rough. We just had regular seats like on an airplane but at least we got to walk around the ship. It was big- it even had a restaurant but it was so expensive which we expected so we brought our own food on. I asked for a pillow and they said it wasn't possible...jerks but what do I expect for 40 euros!

I can't wait to see Rome tomorrow... it was night when we arrived so tomorrow will be great!1 Talk soon

Thursday, November 5, 2009


So, Matthias and I went to the American Embassy today... it was a daunting place. They took all our things and just gave us badges to go in. I asked about how I could extend my visa since it was expired. They said that if I'm already illegal I'm supposed to leave and there is a tiny possibility that one foreign office will extend but they advised me to send a convoy in for me just in case they wanted to deport me! So, Matthias was my convoy and there was nothing the office could do. They told him that I'm not Spain's top priority since I'm from the states but they have to tell me that I'm supposed to leave. 
  I'm really scared but I've come this far and at this point really want to see Italy. So, we're going to try to take a 10pm ferry to Rome tonight. I will either be in Rome in the morning or if the police catch me... I'll be in the states in a few days.... unless they detain me in order to get me expelled from Spain... the embassy gave me paperwork saying they could detain me for up to 40 days before sending me home, but the lady at the foreign office said I shouldn't have a problem. Interesting stuff. 

Wish me luck, seriously. P.S. I'm on a really tight budget and only spent 6 euros on food today! I'm keeping track of all my expenses. P.S. It's getting cold here so today I had to throw out my sandals and buy boots... they are much warmer and more comfy. Here's a pic of this mornings breakfast at the hostel (note: these are pieces of melba toast... trust me... free things taste great) Cool, talk soon!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I made it to Spain ...barely

So, I got to Lagos just fine and began my trip to Seville, Spain by bus.... except we were stopped at the border for border patrol which isn't super common. I was sitting in the first seat and they checked everyone's passport except mine because I was fumbling for it and so the guy skipped me and later forgot to check! THANK GOD. My heart was beating so fast!! I hope it doesn't happen again entering Italy!!! P.S. Matthias is with me...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Sagres (2 days)

Sagres has been great... we stopped at a bar asking for a room and they had one for 25 euro a night for both of us... so cheap so we're staying 2 nights (leaving tomorrow) for Lagos and then Seville. By the way, Matthias is likely coming with me to Italy because his work fell through... this is great news... a travel partner.... much safer, etc. etc. We will take a bus from Seville to Barcelona Spain on Wednesday and then a ferry from Barcelona to Rome, Italy on Thursday.... arriving on Friday in Rome! By the way, this should all cost about 120 euro from the most western point of Europe, which is where I am now, Sagres. I have 998 euros... so this will be an interesting penny pinching trip. Matthias gave me a sweatshirt, check! So, now I just need jeans or something... it will be colder in the North. My initial plan was to take a train through France but the ferry is cheaper (and more south) and once I visit Italy and Greece I'll know if I can afford France, hopefully so. I'm going to try to get my visa extended in Italy but the longest it can be extended is January 20th so I'll likely be home for Christmas unless of course I meet a beautiful Italian man who will marry me for EU citizenship. Hmm... ho ho ho... see you for Christmas! Will post pics soon... just have a crap connection but love my new camera!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Lagos, again.

Matthias and I went out Wednesday night as soon as we checked into our hostel. We drank way too much... I think because we were used to only being allowed to have 2 drinks a day at the farm... and that included soda... you all know me and diet coke... I rarely had space for beer! We got back to the hostel at 6am (early for Lagos) and went to sleep. After a long sleep in we walked to Playa de Ana (The beach of Ana) and rested then ate great indian food and went back to the hostel and read. I'm reading "The boy in the striped pajamas" and it's really lovely. Thursday we went for a long walk to the light house and took some videos and pictures, we had lots of Portuguese coffee (like expresso) and went to Nah Nah Bar (an amazing place to eat burgers- oh how I miss American food!) Yesterday (Saturday) we took a LONG bike ride to Portomao to go to the movie theatre for Halloween... except Halloween isn't big in Europe so there was nothing scary playing or anything scary to do... although we tried to pretend that the train ride back to Lagos was scary but really it wasn't... we ended up watching "signs" at the hostel and it really was a bad movie but Matthais had to wake me up because I was having bad dreams and screaming in my sleep... awesome... bit embarrassing... today (sunday) we're having breakfast, checking out of the hostel in Lagos and taking a bus to Sagres.... it's the western most tip of Europe... so fellow American's... I'll be as close as possible to you at about noon your time today :) Check ya later! P.S. Will post stupid videos soon!