The bus ride from Sevilla to Lisbon was BRUTAL! It was 110 degrees, had leather seats and I was sitting next to a chatty McPatty. Chatty Mc Patty is actually Meg from Australia, my first friend in Lisbon and we haven't even arrived yet. The bus ride was about 6-7 hours and I was truly happy to arrive! Once we arrived I thought I would take a taxi with Meg since we seemed to be in the same area but it turns out that a old man and his much younger son needed a place to stay and went with Meg. I got her contact info and tried to explain to my driver where I needed to go. Same story... he didn't speak English and I was just getting a grasp of Spanish let alone Portuguese. He seemed really upset that I didn't know anything in Portuguese and ripped my directions from my hands and starting driving like a crazy man. If anything I've developed some thicker skin on this trip and wasn't bothered by this guy at all. I actually thought it was funny that he was being such a jerk. He dropped me off, I paid him and was immediately approached my 2 separate men asking me for cigarettes. I said, "no fuma" and then they asked if I wanted to buy hash or cocaine. Ha! I was still laughing and found my way to the hostel and stumbled into the kitchen to warm up a cup of rice that I had in my bag.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Lisbon Portugal is BEAUTIFUL!
The bus ride from Sevilla to Lisbon was BRUTAL! It was 110 degrees, had leather seats and I was sitting next to a chatty McPatty. Chatty Mc Patty is actually Meg from Australia, my first friend in Lisbon and we haven't even arrived yet. The bus ride was about 6-7 hours and I was truly happy to arrive! Once we arrived I thought I would take a taxi with Meg since we seemed to be in the same area but it turns out that a old man and his much younger son needed a place to stay and went with Meg. I got her contact info and tried to explain to my driver where I needed to go. Same story... he didn't speak English and I was just getting a grasp of Spanish let alone Portuguese. He seemed really upset that I didn't know anything in Portuguese and ripped my directions from my hands and starting driving like a crazy man. If anything I've developed some thicker skin on this trip and wasn't bothered by this guy at all. I actually thought it was funny that he was being such a jerk. He dropped me off, I paid him and was immediately approached my 2 separate men asking me for cigarettes. I said, "no fuma" and then they asked if I wanted to buy hash or cocaine. Ha! I was still laughing and found my way to the hostel and stumbled into the kitchen to warm up a cup of rice that I had in my bag.
Monday, August 17, 2009
The beach was a relaxing, good time!
Hi all... not much time to write at the moment... need to catch a taxi and then a bus! I'm heading to Portugal for a week in the big cities before beginning work. I'll be in Lisboa (lisbon) for 4 night and then Lagos for 4 nights also! This vacation part of the trip is nearly over and in 2 days I'll have been here a month! Crazy! Write soon! P.S. I dropped my camera at Maria's and broke it!!! :( This picture is of me, Maria's dad "Paco", her mom "Pudi" and her Aunt.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Heading back to the beach! 8/12-8/16
Monday, August 10, 2009
Back in Madrid
San Sebastian Days Three and four!
8/6/09 It wasn't sunny out today so 8 of us from the hostel decided to rent bikes for 4 hours and ride around San Sebastian. I'm so glad we did this! It was a perfect and cheap (12 euro) way to see a lot of the area. We visited some sculptures and couldn't believe how big the waves were!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
San Sebastian Day Two!
Jodi and I took the bus from Barcelona to San Sebastian today. It was 7 hours long and I'm glad that its over. San Sebastian is on the Northern coast of Spain and almost at the border of France! It is a beautiful and relaxed beach town with the best tapas in the world (I hear). Actually we did have dinner out tonight and it was delicious. I had been weary about all of the cured meat and bread all of the time but this place was different. In the North they eat tapas differently. They have many, many, many dishes out for you to choice from. You just take what you want and take a toothpick for every piece you take. At the end of the meal you simply give them your tray of toothpicks and they add up the cost. Our meal was 20 Euros with 2 glasses of wine and 2 beers, so not bad at all! Plus the owner thought we were cute trying to speak Spanish so he gave us free things!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
08/01/09- 8/4/09 Barcelona is crazy good and crazy bad
Our plane from Seville to Barcelona was so cool! It was an MTV plane! They played great music the whole time. It’s easy to get lost in Barcelona! We did from the start! Once we found our hostel we checked in and entered our room- it was the tiniest room ever but it was a private room so we didn’t complain. We walked down to the Rambla district and saw some crazy sites!! Mom, you would LOVE it! I was intrigued. There were people dressed up as fat ladies, gargoyles, clowns, mimes and also people making cool things out of coke cans and other materials. were also people asking you if you wanted to buy drugs, beers, fans, rabbits, birds, paintings- everything! As day turned to night, Jodi and I were walking through this crazy district and got invited to a pub crawl. We debated about it because we were tired but wanted to see some sites. We decided to go and once again got lost and were 30 minutes late. We almost didn’t go but were glad when we got to the first location, an Irish Pub, because we saw some Irish guys whom we had met in Seville about 5 days prior! Small world!! They went on the pub crawl with us and made it a great time. We got tons of free drinks... which I didn’t keep up with but some were good. We didn’t get home til very, very, very late because we went to a dance club and the music keeps you motivated. It was a lot of fun!
We tried to take a bus tour the next day but the English headphones were not working very well and it was blazing hot. Also the bus stopped so often for 10 minutes at a time- we were dying! I actually fell asleep - that must have looked awesome from the street. Haha So, we spent a lot of time at the beach! The beach was very unique. There were fire breathing sand dragons (real fire) and sand palaces built with working water fountains. Another interesting feature, women are topless of course but also there are people walking around constantly selling beer, soda, fresh coconut, indian food, etc. Also there are women who walk around giving massages for 5 euros and others braiding hair. This beach was insane. Looking back I should have gotten a massage. It would have been interesting to say the least.
We also visited the Gaudi Museum. Gaudi actually lived there! It had beautiful architecture. He had a fantastic attention to detail- every door knob and railing formed to your hand. Every chimneystack was made into a sculpture. Another cool thing we ran into though was a farmer' market and it was beautiful. Super fresh fruit was being sold as well as colorful candies, meats, eggs and cheeses. We had to hold on to our purses as these are the markets that man thefts occur. Overall, Barcelona was cool but not somewhere I would like to stay for long. It was very expensive and it took forever to get to the beach on the metro. It was full of people and had a great night life, but other than that we didn’t find a lot to do (but because of the heat we didn’t have a lot of energy either!)
The tipping point was when we were leaving. Our bus left at 700am so we were walking through the Rambla District around 530am. A lot of people were still out drinking and in the span of our 5 minute walk we saw drug dealers, prostitutes and a fight. I actually heard a lady offer her sexual services for 30 euros! AHH!! We were ready to leave Barcelona... maybe I'll try again some other time!
7/31/2009 My Secret Garden: Granada
We started the day early with a bus ride to the Alhambra. The Alhambra was originally built in the 14th century. It was once the palace of the Muslim rulers of Granada. It is built atop winding, narrow roads high on the mountainside overlooking Granada. The Alhambra has definitely been my favorite experience thus far on my trip. The architecture was beautifully grandiose with intricate designs on the walls and ceilings. I felt tiny amongst the high marble structures, but also comforted because they were so cool compared to the temperature outside. My favorite part were the gardens at General Life. The water fountains were stunning against a backdrop of colorful flowers and tall marble columns. Water was a main element in the garden. It flowed everywhere and almost showed you where to go. One main stair well had water flowing down its handrails… it was truly magical. I was at the Alhambra for about 5.5 hours but could have stayed there for 12 if it weren’t for the sunburn and empty stomach!
For more pics: